Hi, Do you have a business or service that you would like to advertise, but feel that the price of advertising is too out of sight? If you say yes, then you are no different than most people. Tri State Industries feel that bulk emailing is an excellent source of advertisement. Not only do you get your ad to millions of potential customers, but they do not have to sift through hundreds of other ads, like they would have to in a newspaper advert. We have noticed that many companies on the internet sell email lists, the most popular it seems are compact disks, advertising anywhere from 20,000,000 to 50,000,000 email addresses. The prices charged for these are outrageous. We have seen and purchased these CD's from $179 to $499, and you get what you pay for. Most of the time many of the email addresses are phony. That is why we decided to manufacture our own list. We have produced a c.d. with 20 million email addresses on it for the extremely low price of $129. This is an introductory price only. The normal price we will be charging for this quality disk will be $249. But until September 30th we will be charging only $169. But that is not all, we will also include a full working demo of Stealth, a top of the line bulk emailer, capable of sending 400,000 emails per hour, and step by step instuctions of how to use the program. BE ADVISED THERE IS A DISK CURRENTLY CIRCULATING THE INTERNET ADVERTISING BOTH 25 MILLION AND 45 MILLION. IT IS THE SAME DISK. WE HAVE THE DISK, IT IS ONLY ABOUT 7 MILLION NAMES ONCE YOU GET RID OF PHONY ADDRESSES. OUR CD IS 20 MILLION OF REAL ADDRESSES THAT WE COMPILED If you have any question you can call (909)982-5819 To order print this form: ------------------------------------------------------- __Yes send me the 20 million email addresses for $129 which I understand comes with a copy of Stealth, a top of the line bulk email program and step by step instruction guide. Name_________________________ Street Address___________________________ City, State, Zip code__________________________ Company name___________________________________ Telephone number(___)___-____ Send check or money order to: Tri State Industries Marketing Dept. P.O. Box 4914 Ontario, California, 91761