On 16 Sep 97 at 10:49, Martin R. Green wrote: > Sounds like you are one of those rare souls with a very short > retinal persistence. I find no noticeable flicker, or "strobe", on > any LED displays where all characters are scanned on less than > 1/30th of a second. > You are a prime example of doing "worst case" design, and going for > a > 1/40th or 1/50th of a second full scan. Supermaket ones drive me crazy. > > I have heard of people that get headaches watching commercial movies > because the 1/24th of a second frame rate flickers dramatically to > them. Um, maybe, I don't go often. I recall sitting thru the entire StarWars trilogy (when it was first released) - it wasn't my head that ached - bit lower. What scan rate do you run your monitor at? (vertical) - Mine's going nicely at 85 - thats nice to look at straight on. MikeS (remove the you know what before replying)