At 07:00 AM 16/9/97 -0600, you wrote: >The new Scenix chips are supposed to comply with some UL 98 standard that >requires the microcontroller to verify the integrity of the code. Does anyone >have the details of this standard? Several microcontrollers allow access to the >ROM code, so a checksum is possible. However, how do I know an ROM error does >not exist in the code that I wrote to check the ROM? Will the new Scenix chip >have a hardware checksum circuit? >How important is this checksum? >The new AVR does not allow user access to the ROM, is it unusable in safety >circuits? only AT90S1200 does not have access to ROM, all other AVR variants can read their ROM contents. antti AVR Basic Light NOW Available - Look for September Specials Free AVR Basic Compiler Demo Edition