Rick Trostell wrote: > I picked up a LAMBDA dual regulated power supply at a yard sale > today. > I thought it would be perfect for PIC projects. > > On the front there is terminals for V+ , Gnd, V- > and knobs for adjusting Volts and Current limiting, and a readout for > both > sides. > > You can turn the voltage up and down on the display but I can't get > anything > out of the front terminals. > > Does anyone know how to configure the back to send the juice to the > front > terminals? > > Thanks ------------ Rich > Sorry Rich, I don't think you have what you think you have. On quite a few Lambda supplies, the ground terminal is simply chassis ground - not a common for V+ and V-. Your power supply is probably a single output only. Connect a meter across V+ and V- and see if it matches the meter on the supply - bet it does. Frank Richterkessing FRANK.RICHTERKESSING@APPL.GE.COM