At 16:55 14.09.1997 -0400, you wrote: > Does anyone know where I can hunt up some power transistors and/or >H-bridges capable of handling approx. 150A @ 26 volts? > > Pierce Nichols > Hi, what do you think about some FETs in parallel ? Maybe 2 IRFP064N. N-Channel MOSFET from IRF. Udss=55V, Rds(on)=0.008, Id=98A. That's one of the FETs with the lowest Rds(on) available today ! Conduction losses would be about 45W for each FET. So long Thomas =8-) ********************************************************** * Thomas Magin FON: ++49-761-4543-489 * * marquette-Hellige GmbH FAX: -507 * * Emergency Systems email: * * Munzinger Str. 3 * * D-79111 Freiburg / Germany * **********************************************************