On 15 Sep 97 at 0:55, Walter Banks wrote: > > First what type of barcode are you using? > > All barcodes have three things in common. > 1) Calibration information > 2) Clocking information > 3) Data. > > Most barcode formats also use the size of > the space between bars for some purpose. > > Many years ago Carl Helmers, Ralph Trueblood and I > wrote a book on barcode technology. The book was titled > "Contempory applications of barcode technology" It > contained some simple barcode reader code. The code > in the book was all written in Pascal and was designed > to run on an Apple ][ (Did I say it was a while ago?) > > PIC's should not have any trouble reading hand wand > code. Indeed. I wrote a decoder in basic on a z80 platform (CPM and a very early MS Basic interpreter). The easiest way is to sample the photo-transistor return and store it into array, then got thru it afterwords. This has the advantage of allowing you to check for differing bar-code standards. (and the disadvantage that you need a fair bit of ram, and a start sampling indication) > > One assumption that is useful is to remember the > fastest measured speed of a hand held wand was > 42in/sec (~1m/sec) Reminds me of a fun party trick of mine (when I had a barcode reader), I'd take a 3mm permanent marker and draw barcodes by hand - then scan them to prove their accuracy. Trick is to remember to draw them BIG. Fairly easy for 3 of 9. I wouldn't try EAN/UPC though. Wonder why checkout operators in supermarkets seem to think that scanning a rejected package faster will make it scan better? This applies to the EFTPOS magstripe readers too. They give it a fast swipe - it doesn't work - then swipe it at the speed of sound and seem surprised when it still doesn't work. MikeS (remove the you know what before replying)