Recently several people were discussing how to use a flatbed plotter to place etch resist patterns directly on PCB copper. I commented that I'd seen a good article recently and I'd look it up. Well, here it is: Electronics World, July 1997 This article discusses several methods for getting a resist pattern onto the copper, and concludes that the best results are with a converted plotter. It also discusses various types of inks that have been tried, and show good colour photos of the results with each. If anyone can't find the magazine at their local library, or is just plain too lazy, I have scanned the article into 5 GIF's and 1 JPG (for the colour photo page), and would be happy to email it to any interested parties. The scans are 200 DPI and total about 8-900K. Let me know if you have any special needs, otherwise I'll send them MIME format, six separate attachments. CIAO - Martin R. Green