On 13 Sep 97 at 2:51, jacob wrote: > Hi > > I am looking for a Z80 disassembler . > > Ready to swap 8051 good dissasembler for the above. Yeah? What platform? I've got one for a TRS-80 (if the tape hasn't faded, which it probably has) Seriously, why not use a search engine on the web? I got 41 hits on "z80 Disassembler" with MetaCrawler Here's some of them... Query: z80 disassembler Collated Results: 1 to 20 of 41 references. Result pages: 1 - 2 - 3 ÊÊnext 1000 z80-300.zip - ZX Spectrum 48/128 emulator, tape & disk supp. z80-300.zip - ZX Spectrum 48/128 emulator, tape & disk supp. I have uploaded to SimTel, the Coast to Coast Software Repository (tm), (available by. http://www.gi.net/MSDOS_A/PM-1994/94-10/94-10-29/0014.html (Lycos) 1000 SIG/M Volume 278 Z80 Disassembler -CATALOG.278 contents of SIG/M Volume 278 released May 16, 1986 SIG-M .LIB donation form JOIN .ACG ACGNJ membership application CRC .COM checksum program USQ .COM unsqueezes squeezed files DELBR .COM to remove files from .LBR http://ftp.barc.org:8080/pub/sigm/vol278/-catalog.278 (Infoseek) 1000 The Simtel.Net MS-DOS Collection, simtelnet/msdos/disasm/ http://oak.oakland.edu/simtel.net/msdos/disasm.html (AltaVista) MikeS (remove the you know what before replying)