I'm looking for the services of a PICster to help me complete a project. Unfortunately, I can't get too specific about the project without a signed non-disclosure agreement, but, in general, it involves: 1. Sampling some analog information 2. Deriving some info from the analog signal 3. Sending the derived info out to a serial port If you are interested and think that you have the relevent experience (using a PIC with A/D conversion and serial I/O in a real-time situation, with a small amount of analog electronics interfacing), please send me information directly (i.e., not through the newsgroup). Compensation will be based on experience, and we could do it on an hourly or flat-rate basis. This would probably be a fantastic part-time project for someone with the right experience! (I would love to do it myself, but I'm up to my ears in other stuff) Thanks, Alan Cohen