All, hope this hasn't come to you twice - looks like the first bounced. Just this week started playing with 16C84 and am now starting my first project, a Morse code tutor. Guess what - having decided on this project I suddenly realise I need one of those random number generators (generate an integer between 0 and N where N is in a file) that I discarded from PICLIST last week :-( Would some kind soul please send direct to my reader thanks. Does Microchip have a European mirror - seems very slooooow to download docs. Since I have no docs here is the dumb newby question. Code to date just flashes 'HELLO WORLD' in Morse on a LED. All works OK but have a problem with MPLAB. Tables using RETLW work OK but when I CALL a subroutine I seem to stop single stepping at the RETURN. Do I have to set something up in MPLAB for CALL/RETURN single stepping to work OK? All works fine when loaded into the 16C84 so just makes debugging harder. Also how does MPLAB cope with SLEEP (WDT) in single step. Do I have to go clear timers manually (this may be the problem as the SLEEP is immediately prior to the RETURN but MPLAB is highlighting the RETURN instruction when it halts). Apologies if that is a really dumb question - I guess I'm applying software debugger thinking to a simulator. Hopefully I'll get the docs downloaded today. Brian Brian Jones Java Technology Centre IBM Hursley