I have an application which uses a PIC 16C58A. After a few years of production, our customer would like us to make a small change in the operation of the device. Unfortunetly whoever my job predecessor was did not document any of the code, or it got lost. Anyway, I am stuck with trying to either recreate the application code from scratch or reading the code from the present device and dis-assembling it. I am able to read the code out of the device using a PICStart Plus and MPLAB. The code looks ok, but of course I don't have any of the meaningfull labels. Not a big deal since I can walk thru it and add my own labels and comments. HOWEVER I found some lines of code which don't make any sense. I got one line TRIS PORTC The 16C58A does not have a PORTC, so how come I got a TRIS for that port? Anyone have any hints for disassembling code from the hex file? Thanks. Mark Walter