I sidestepped the oscillator problem when breadboarding a design by using a canned oscillator instead of a crystal. I have successfully run PIC's at 20MHz on one of those white breadboards that normally have too much capacitance between pin rows to allow a crystal oscillator to run properly. When the design is finished I replace the canned oscillator with a crystal circuit. HTH - Martin R. Green elimar@bigfoot.com ---------- From: Bob Blick[SMTP:bblick@TELIS.ORG] Sent: Thursday, September 11, 1997 2:55 PM To: PICLIST@mitvma.mit.edu Subject: '74A/JW startup woes Hi, On a perfboard prototype I'm working on, I'm having startup problems. Of my bag of 16C74A/JW chips, only one or two of them like to work. If I put in a real low-speed crystal instead of the 20MHz it's supposed to run at, I can sometimes coax it to run. Putting a scope on the crystal pins verifies that the oscillator is running, but I suspect it's burping or slow getting up to speed or something. This perfboard nightmare has a ZIF socket on it, so the whole thing is less than a favorable environment. I recall seeing a thread with similar woes, but don't remember if anyone came up with a solution. Any takers? I've messed with caps, series resistors, etc, with no real success. Sure slows things down to only have 1 or 2 chips to work with. Thanks in advance, Bob