Well, my problem is big, where is the problem (error)? Sorry to all for the 14 KB of attached but is important. The project is very simple. I use a pic 16c84 with a MAX 232 for RS 232 connection and a 24C16 EEPROM. I like to program the EEPROM via PC (RS232). The main asm file is eeprom.asm . Max 232 is attached at pin RA3 end RA4, 24C16 is attached at RA0 (SDA) and RA1 (SCL). All connection are with 10K pull up. Function of eeprom.asm: wait for a RS232 character, send back the character via RS232, write the character in the EEPROM, page 0 (address 1 0100000) offset 0 (the first), read the character form EEPROM and send it via RS232. This operations for 20 times. Read the EEPROM page 0 offset 0 to 20 and send via R S232. Go to the begin. It's not work, all the character read from EEPROM are wrong! Thanks in Advance. Attachment converted: wonderland:eeprom.zip (pZIP/pZIP) (00006483) =================================================== Alboni Giorgio Faenza (Ra) ITALY E-Mail: rac1337@racine.ravenna.it http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Heights/5444 (Last Update: 19/06/97) ===================================================