I'm try to use the i2c_los.asm ruotine of the an554. For me there are some big error: ;*************************************************************************** ****************************** ; Send Start Bit ; ;*************************************************************************** ****************************** TxmtStartBit: bsf STATUS,RP0 ; select page 1 bsf _SDA ; set SDA high bsf _SCL ; clock is high Why the TxmtStartBit set page1 for access _SDA bit (PORTA or PORTB) instead page0? In this way the program change the TRISA or TRISB bit instead of PORTA or PORTB bit. This broblem is repeat in all teh i2c_low.asm file. Is it an error? Thanks in Advance. =================================================== Alboni Giorgio Faenza (Ra) ITALY E-Mail: rac1337@racine.ravenna.it http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Heights/5444 (Last Update: 19/06/97) ===================================================