> >Problem: I need to make the power output linear with respect to the encoder >setting, ie when the encoder is set to 10% the output power needs to be >10%. >As you know, when controlling the phase angle of firing the power is not >linear >as it follows an 'S' type of response - a change in time before or after >the peak >of the sinewave results in a small change in power control, whereas a >change >in time firing near to the peak of the sinewave results in a vary large >change in >power output. > >Has anyone got a formula to calculate the change in power compared to the >change in time in firing within the phase so as to allow me to linearise >the >response - or do you know of any articles which could point the way. > >Many thanks > >Stephen H Alsop email: steve@s.ssystems.easynet.co.uk >S&S Systems Ltd www: http://easyweb.easynet.co.uk/~s.ssystems > I will soon be working on a similar project and I will need that information as well. Someone on the piclist described solving this problem by using a lookup table, but he didn't say how he calculated the correction factors.