I like [OT} discussions on the piclist, if they are things that other PIC'ers would find interesting and don't become excessive. I get a lot of valuable information that way. I don't have time to subscribe to other lists. I am currently working on a project for a client which is my first PIC project and I'm doing well with it. I think an [OT] discussion on the piclist helped me solve a problem that is indirectly related to PIC's. My project is currently in a breadboard state, wired with through-hole parts on perfboard. The pre-production prototypes and the production units will be SMT (Surface Mount Technology). I wondered how I would solder those tiny parts onto the circuit board as that would be very difficult for me. Through reading an [OT] thread on the piclist, I plan, when I get that far, to buy a toaster oven, a temperature controller and a syringe of solder paste. One question: If I end up having to solder parts onto both sides of the board, how do I keep the ones on the bottom from falling off? Are all SMT parts the same height, so that the oven tray will hold them in place until they cool off? Any suggestions are welcome.