Earlier today I wrote: >> What is the correct formula for calculating the period value that goes into -- snip -- > At 02:49 PM 9/5/97 PST, you wrote: >The period of the PWM signal is defined by PR2 (8 bit) which sets -- snip -- > >The duty-cycle is governed by the 10-bit duty cycle register, formed >by CCPRxH concatenated with two bits taken from CCPxCON (the latter, >unfortunately, being the l.s.b.) When it matches the time base, the >output and the timer are reset. > >IMHO this could have been explained more clearly in Microchip's >literature. Regards, > >Andres Djordjalian >adjordj@aleph.fi.uba.ar In my original question my fingers typed "period" when my brain was thinking "duty cycle". Sigh... The Microchip literature on the PERIOD makes sense, it's their DUTY CYCLE calculation that seems to forget the factor of 4 between the input clock and the instruction clock. Ignoring their equation and working it out based on a straight match between TMR2 and the duty cycle value (following what you said) is much easier, and makes sense to boot. Thanks, -Ed V.