>I am thinking of using RS-485 for hooking together some home automation >bits which all can Tx & Rx. The Rx bit is easy but what if two or more >devices try to Tx at the same time ? Collission detection is obviously >required but am unsure of how to implement it on serial line. There will >be no "master" in the system so a polling arangement is out. I did have >the thought of when a collission is detected the unit could wait for the >line to clear then try again. As each unit will have a unique address, I >thought that I could use this as a variable for re-try timing to stop the >units clashing more than once each time. Does this make any sense ? >The serial data would be made up of 10-byte packets with header,crc & tail. >I think there would be plenty of uses for such a multi-drop framework. >Please tell me if I'm heading up that famous sh** creek ! :-) Your idea of data transmission is the same with that used in CSMA/CD systems (Carrier Sense Multyple Access/ Colosion Detection ) ( the Ethernet standard is the best example ). Speaking about RS485, I dont't know how you detect the colosion ( multyple active transmitters )> You can try for example to receive the transmitted data at the transmitting station and check it to see if it was transmitted correctly . Two years ago I built an RS485 communication system, but with a master device ( a PC ) which polls slave devices ( Philips 80c552 based ) for an interactive TV application. Dorin --------------------------------- Dorin Dogaroiu Research Institute for Computers Bucarest, Romania Email : dogaroiud@pcnet.pcnet.ro ddorin@kappa.ro --------------------------------- >rEGARDS. Sorry... cOuLdN't hElP mYsElF !! (Yeah, I've been told already !) > >______________________________________ >Dave Duffy, Audio Visual Devices >8/9-11 Trade Street >Cleveland Qld 4163, Australia >Ph: +61 7 38210362 Fax: +61 7 38210281 >E-mail: AVD@mailbox.uq.edu.au >______________________________________ > >