Has anyone tried to use the 12c509 at 9600 Baud ? (4Mhz OTP's) It works well at 2400 Baud, but even when using the on-chip calibration value not all chips work at 9600. I'm guessing that the timing must be off enough not to lock. The 509 is being fed from a PC via a RS-232 > TTL converter. When I use the JW chip, all is OK. I've run the simulator with stopwatch and I get the exact bit delays required. I get the feeling that 9600 Baud with these chips is never going to be reliable using the 4Mhz internal oscillator. Any ideas or comments would be appreciated. :-) Thanks... ______________________________________ Dave Duffy, Audio Visual Devices Unit 8, 9-11 Trade Street Cleveland Qld 4163 Australia Ph: +61 7 38210362 Fax: +61 7 38210281 E-mail: AVD@mailbox.uq.edu.au ______________________________________