Lots of talk. I'll suggest the same thing Bob Pease did: let's have some examples. Is there any small system that we could propose and actually build that will work driven by fuzzy logic and not when driven by a pid algorithm, or is so much better when done using fuzzy logic (code size, speed, performance, system cost, whatever) that no engineer in his/her right mind would use the pid driven version? I'll commit some of Time Tech's resources to the actual construction of such a project, provided it's not too large. Any ideas? --Tom Rogers VP-R&D Time Tech Inc. BTW, I'm firmly on the 'I like FL' side of this debate, but not many people I've debated understood what the heck I was saying, and that includes an exchange with Bob Pease. I've got Kosko's text and a bunch of other stuff, and I've used FL in a couple of places, but I'm no expert. --TR