The discussion of fuzzy control and fuzzy logic does not seem to be advancing past then point of people either supporting it or rejecting it. I am not against fuzzy logic, however I would like to see real actual examples, not heresay evidence. Please show we a PIC using fuzzy logic that does a control application better than a classical control circuit. Classical control systems have been in existence since the 1800's. They are not inherently unstable and they do not operate poorly. The cruise control in your car is a good example. My cruise control works great, operates smoothly, is safe, stable and uses classical control systems. If you are interested in a critical view, view the URL below. Bob Pease, the author of Pease Porridge, tackles some Fuzzy control systems. The fuzzy system used a 486 computer to control a ball on balance beam system. Bob did the same thing with better results using four op-amps. Now maybe the 486 computer was vast overkill, so redo the code into a PIC using fuzzy control and get the same level of results as the four op-amp classical method. If fuzzy control cannot compete with four op-amps on either price or performance then it is not useable to me as an engineer.,1127,25,00.html