I have programmed microcontrolers, mostly MCS51 serie, but my next project needs PIC programming. My problem is that I don't know how to send multiple strings over RS232. I need a subroutine wich has a poniter to a string as a parameter. On Intel 8x51 I have code like this: --------------------------------- cut here ------------------------------------------ test: mov DPTR,#string1 lcall send mov DPTR,#string2 lcall send sjmp $ send: mov a,count movc a,@a+dptr cjne a,#'$',snd_byte mov count,#00h mov s0buf,#0ah jnb ti,$ clr ti mov s0buf,#0dh jnb ti,$ clr ti ret snd_byte: mov s0buf,a jnb ti,$ clr ti inc count sjmp send string1: db 'This is String #1$' string2: db 'This is String #2$' --------------------------------- and here ------------------------------------------ How can I write a similar code on PIC (e.g. 16F84)? Igor Grahek Software Engineer Research & Development Sigma Elektronik ------------------------------- http://solair.eunet.yu/~igrahek/ ------------------------------- e-mail igrahek@eunet.yu -------------------------------