>The thread about temperature control remainded me a presentation >from Texas A&M in which fuzzy control was outperforming PID based >controller in a real application. If you search by the author name >Langari, i think it was 3-4 years ago you may get some papers to look >at it. >__Aydin As a graduate of Texas A&M (class of 93) I do not recall any great interest in Fuzzy Control. In fact when, I studied control theory at Texas A&M, the professor was not in favor of Fuzzy Control. Fuzzy Control was seen as a sales tool to sell washing machines in Japan. Fuzzy Control has its place, but it is not the great solution or replacement for PID control. Pease Porridge of Electronic Design ran a contest for a Fuzzy Control system that he could not duplicate or exceed the performance of. He won every challenge using op-amps and classic control theory. Fuzzy Control and Fuzzy Logic has had lots of boasting and very little real substance. ---- Steve