Hi Folks, I'm finally getting around to doing a web page for myself and in it I'm referencing the List. I wanted to put in just a few rules for posting to the list and like anything I do, it became a huge undertaking. I'm posting my List Etiquette rules here for everybody peruse and comment upon or add. When I set up my web page, these rules of etiquette will be placed before the instructions on subscribing (as is implied in this cut and paste): >Subscribing to the PICLIST > >The PICLIST is a very busy listserver - over 100 messages per day is not >unheard of. Occasionally discussion can get off topic and become somewhat >heated. To avoid problems and becoming innundated with messages suggesting that >your ancestors skipped an evolutionary step, there are a few informal rules of >PICLIST "netiquette" you should be aware of: > > 1.Don't subscribe to the List and then immediately start sending questions > to the List. Instead, wait a day or so to get the hang of how messages are > sent and replied to on the List and get a "feel" for the best way of > asking questions. > > 2.If you are changing the "Subject" line of a post, please reference the > previous topic (ie put in "was: '...'"). This will help others keep track > of the conversation. > > 3.When replying to a previous post, try to minimize how much of the previous > note is copied in your note and maximize the relevance to your reply. This > is not to say that none of the message should be copied or referenced. > There is a very fine balance between having too much and too little. The > sender of the note you are replying to should be referenced (with their > ID). > > My rule of thumb is, if the original question is less than ten lines, I > copy it all. If it is longer, then I cut it down (identifying what was cut > out with a "SNIP" Message), leaving just the question and any relevent > information. > > 4.If you have a program that doesn't work, please don't copy the entire > source into a note and then post it to the List. As soon as I see a note > like this I just delete it and go on to the next one (and I suspect that > I'm not the only one). > > People on the list are more than happy and willing to answer specific > questions, but simply putting complete source code in the note and asking > a question like "Why won't the LCD Display anything" really isn't useful > for anybody. Instead, try to isolate the failing code and describe what is > actually happening along with what you want to happen. If you do this, > chances are you will get an answer literally within minutes. > > 5.You may find a totally awesome and appropriate web page and want to share > it with the list. Please make it easier on the people in the list to cut > and paste the URL by putting it on a line all by itself in the format: > > http://www.awesome-pic-page.com > > 6.If you have a new application, graphic, or whatever you would like to > share with everyone on the List, please don't send it as an attachment in > a note to the List. Instead, either indicate you are have this amazing > piece of work and tell people that you have it and where to request it > (either to you or to a web server address). > > If you don't have a web page of your own or one you can access, requesting > somebody to put it on their web page or ftp server is cool. > > 7.Putting job postings or employment requests is appropriate for the list. > However, I don't recommend that the rate of pay or conditions of > employment should be included in the note (unless you want to be > identified as cheap, greedy, exploitive or unreasonable). > > 8.Spams are sent to the List Server occasionally. Please do not "reply" to > the note. This will send a message to everyone in the list. If you must > send a note detailing your disgust, send it to the spam orignator. > > NOTE: Many companies sending out spams collect the originating addresses > of replying messages and sell them to other companies or distributors of > addresses on CD-ROM. When a spam has been sent to the PICLIST, it has just > been sent to the PICLIST and not you personally. Sending a note directly > back to the Spammer gives them your ID. > > I know it's frustrating, but if you want to minimize how much you are > bothered in by spammers in the future, ignore all spams. > > 9.Off topic messages, while tolerated will probably bring lots of abuse upon > yourself. If you feel it is appropriate to send an off topic message, put > "[OT]" in the subject line, some members of the list use mail filters and > this will allow them to ignore the off topic posts automagically. > > 10.Posts referencing Pirate sites or sources of "cracked" or "hacked" > software is not apporiate and may be illegal. If you are not sure if it > is okay to post the latest software you've found on the 'Net, then DON'T > until you have checked with the owners of the software and gotten their > permission. It would also be a good idea to indicate in your post that you > have the owner's permission. > > 11.Below, I have specified the instructions for subscribing and signing off > the PICLIST. When you subscribe to the PICLIST, you will get a > confirmation note telling you how to access the commands and signing off. > Do not send a note to the PICLIST with "unsubscribe" or "signoff" in it > unless you want to be inundated with notes telling you how stupid, > insenstive, and rude you are. Instead, follow the instructions below for > signing off. > > Just a couple of hints when signing off: > o When signing off the PICLIST, make sure you do it from the ID that > you originally subscribed to the List from. The Mail Server cannot > keep track of Aliases and redirections. > o If you are having trouble signing off the PICLIST, sending an angry > note or a note with "unsubscribe" to the List will not be a positive > experience for you. Sending a note listing your problem and what > you've done to try to resolve it will be met with a much more > positive response. > > 12.Lastly, please try to be courteous to all on the PICLIST. Others may not > have your knowledge and experience or they may be sensitive about > different issues. There is a very high level of professionalism (for lack > of a better word) on this List, please help maintain it. > > Being insulting or rude will only get the same back and probably have your > posts and legitimate questions ignored in the future by others on the list > who don't want to have anything to do with you. > > > >To subscribe to the list, send a note to listserv@mitmva.mit.edu with the >message: > > subscribe piclist your name > >In the body of the message. > >Save the confirmation message - this will give you the instructions for signing >off the list as well as instructions on how to access >more advanced functions. > >To sign off the list, send a note to the same address (listserv@mitmva.mit.edu) >with the message: > > signoff piclist > >Once you have subscribed to the PICLIST, you will begin receiving mail from >piclist@mitmva.mit.edu notes can be sent to this >address directly or can be replied to directly from your mailer. myke "One must invoke enough raw truth to punch a hole in the world" - Darl Af