Hello, >OK, but is there any difference I should no about, will any >programmer >for the C version work with the F version, is it electrically >compatible, such as current draw? Thanks for any info. TTYL Any programmer should work, just as long as you remember to invert the power-up timer configuration fuse bit. That and a few code protect stuff are about the only differences you need to worry about. Eric ______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________ Subject: Re: Difference between 16C84 and 16F84 Author: Herbert Graf at INTERNET Date: 8/30/97 8:32 PM >At 10:40 PM 8/29/97 -0400, you wrote: >> Thanks to recommendations of people here I have decided to start >>learning the PIC with the 16C84 version, my only problem is which one to >>get, the C or the F. As I understand it the C is the EEPROM version and the >>F is the FLASH version, and as far as I know from my point of view there >>should be no difference. The difference in price and room is evident, the >>FLASH version seems to be cheaper and have more room. Thanks for any info. > >MCHP is phasing out the C version. That's the real reason for the price >difference. OK, but is there any difference I should no about, will any programmer for the C version work with the F version, is it electrically compatible, such as current draw? Thanks for any info. TTYL