Hello Philip. > How difficult is it to use a monitor with a microcontroller or > microprocessor? As an example i'd like to use a VGA monitor, in > 320x200, black and white (and eventually color), I couldn't find any > schematics at all, do I need a CRT controller or can I do it all from > a micro? Well, you have had various answers and most quite correct, even if they appear to say opposite things. It is a good example of asking the wrong question. It would have been better asked: "I wish to implement an xxxx for use in a yyyy with the following specifications: (... ... ... ...). How easy is it to use a microntroller or what pre-built assemblies would do the job cheaply?" Cheers, Paul B. (Used to dabble in terminal implementations!) PS: 320 by 200 is CGA, not VGA LOTS of used monitors floating about!