My Picstart Plus programmer running under MPLAB is really starting to make me doubt my knowledge of computers. I seem to spend more time getting the programmer to run than actually doing development work on it. Its latest phenomena is to refuse to work on COM1 or COM2, but only on COM4. The only problem is that I have only COM1 and COM2 on my computer. Every time I try to set the thing up for one of these two comm ports it gives me a message "Could not open comm port" and then "Picstart Plus not found on COM4". I suspect that it must be something to do with my Win95 configuration, but 4 hours of fiddling which included re-installing MPLAB and Win95 could not solve the problem. I knew my comm ports were still working because I had no problems getting my mouse and modem to work on them. It was just my Picstart Plus programmer that refused to work on them. Out of desperation I eventually configured my COM2 as COM4 and "voila!", MPLAB was happy with that. But why would it not work on COM2 is boyond my comprehension. Has anybody else ever had a similiar problem or is it just me? The Microchip documentation does not mention this problem at all. When I was originally selected a programmer, I decided upon the Picstart Plus because I thought that the fact that it was a Microchip product would mean that all the usual bugs associated with cheap programmers would be eliminated. Now I'm not so sure anymore whether that is really the case. If I would buy another programmer again I would much rather buy one from one of third party suppliers present on this list. Rgds Werner