On Sun, 31 Aug 1997, Andy Kunz wrote: > > OK, but is there any difference I should no about, will any programmer > >for the C version work with the F version, is it electrically compatible, > >such as current draw? Thanks for any info. TTYL > > Yes, in fact I used C84 mode on my programmer for burning F84's before > Parallax put out the upgrade. > PTM: You are speaking as there might be some physical difference in C and F -versions. I have no burned about 50 times both with the same homebrewed burners and found nothing but this PowerUp Timer -bit. So: Is there something ? -------------------------------------------------------------------------- PTM, pasi.mustalahti@utu.fi, ptmusta@utu.fi, http://www.utu.fi/~ptmusta Lab.ins. (mikrotuki) ATK-keskus/Mat.Luon.Tdk OH1HEK Lab.engineer (PC support) Computer Center OI7234 Mail: Turun Yliopisto / Fysla, Vesilinnantie 5, 20014 Pt 02-3336669, FAX 02-3335632 (Pk 02-2387010, NMT 049-555577) --------------------------------------------------------------------------