Unfortunately, I tried to politely steer this guy in the right direction, but his email address is not valid. Not only did he spell unsubscribe wrong and send it to the wrong place, he used the wrong email address. I think this guy's body must have rejected any active brain cells he once had. CIAO - Martin R. Green elimar@bigfoot.com ---------- From: Eric van Es[SMTP:vanes@ILINK.NIS.ZA] Sent: Thursday, August 28, 1997 3:04 PM To: PICLIST@mitvma.mit.edu Subject: Re: unsubscribe Andy Kunz wrote: > > At 09:01 PM 8/27/97 -0400, you wrote: > >unscribe piclist > > > > Well at least he spelled it correctly in the subject > > Andy > One of these days I'm going to crack my face open all the round my head from laughing at the guys. Maybe EVERYBODY on the list should mail him the message he recieved from the listserver... you know the one you should NOT delete? That should teach him all he needs to know about listservers.... Please don't do this to me though... it would ruin my day and I still have mine! -- Eric van Es | Cape Town, South Africa mailto:vanes@ilink.nis.za | http://www.nis.za/~vanes LOOKING FOR TEMPORARY / HOLIDAY ACCOMODATION? http://www.nis.za/~vanes/accom.htm