On Wed, 27 Aug 1997 23:03:04 -0700 deicide@LIGHTSPEED.NET writes: >I need to generate 18.99 MHZ for a project I am currently working on. >Its a reference frequency for a used controller board i got, and for >the >life of me I can't seem to find a way to do it. What I would like is >a >PLL/VCO is one chip that will let me select the frequency via a binary >input on 8 lines or so. It has to be something small and inexpensive >though. PLEASE let me know if you can help :) >Gets a little frustrating after a while, when you get absolutely no >results. If you only need one constant frequency, it is practical to order a custom-ground quartz crystal. This costs about $10.00 and 1 or 2 weeks for delivery. Though the cost may be slightly higher than some other way, it is definitely a small, low power, and simple to design solution. As for where to buy the crystal, I have had good results with ICM. I don't know if they're on the web or not but they should be at (800) 725-1426.