Have you ever thought about that there might be different ways to this goal, and maybe even different goals denominated by this phrase "no profit"? A lot of ecconomic theories assume that the total amount of wealth in the world is constant. If you can create things of value out of near nothingness (ie software, silicon chips, advertising, art, etc), this is no longer true. If you want to allow wealth to be CREATED (which certainly seems like a good idea to me), then somewhere someone has to make a profit as well. Ie, if I charge $500 for a C compiler, thinking that I am creating massive profits for myself while exploiting you poor bastards who happen to need a C compiler is thinking WRONG. You don't LOSE $500 when you pay me for the compiler, instead, you become better able to make a profit from YOUR customers. And so on and on, paying a little bit of tax for each bit of profit until eventually the government has all the money and blows it all on social programs... BillW