Martin McCormick wrote: > Some > motor cycles and bicycles don't have enough metal to register and cyclists > have been seen jumping off their bikes and hitting the crosswalk buttons > when there isn't enough traffic around to cycle the lights.:-) I don't know what effect if any my Titanium frame has on the inductance of these sub-surface spiraled signal samplers. But my steel spokes and chain certainly have a stronger effect when I lean my bicycle over. If that doesn't work then I run the light. > I don't know what hardware is actually used, but traffic signals > always seemed to me like a perfect use for PIC's. That is, of course, someone other than the traffic light designers were programming them. I mean if we left the PIC development up to the same people that design the switching logic we would have an even larger mess on our hands. I wish I could be paid a nickle an hour for the time I've spent thinking about better ways to implement traffic switching logic. It would sure buy a whole lot of pizza... Scott -- __o I buy pizza instead of gas. \< (*)/(*)