At 08:46 AM 8/25/97 +0200, you wrote: >Hi to all. > >I was wondering if anyone out there has attempted to make an >electronic scale using PIC's. I have a few ideas for the PIC side >of things but 'What to use for a SENSOR??' I was thinking of >strain guages but over here in sunny South Africa, these are either >hard to come by or very costly. I'm considering a LVDT (Linear >Variable Differential Transformer) option but I wan't to keep >mechanics to a minimum. I was wondering if any of you out there have >some idea's that you would like to share on the topic. > >Thanks. > >P.S. Thanks to Mal Goris, Andrew Errington and Don McKenzie for >their help, my programmer is now up and running! > >Jacques Vrey >Iscor Profile Products Newcastle >Tel:27-(0)3431-48759 > > I was at a customer's place one day and he explained to me how his Metz__r scale worked. The principle is pretty slick. A balance is attached to the plate. A sensor ( i forget, magnetic or optical) sensed when the balance was centered. The other end of the balance has a low tech solenoid attached. The circuit adjusts the current through the solenoid until the balance balances, and voila, the current being sent to the solenoid is proportional to the weight. I am sure there are issues, such as temperature compsation, but Metzler (oops) solved it, that scale was super accurate and not cheap. But on that principle, you could develop a reasonably cheap version. I was tipped off to ask him about the darned thing when I noticed that the platter did not apear to deflect at all. Word of warning, I would check and see if they have a patent on the principle. It is too neat not to. Chris Eddy Pittsburgh, PA