Hello Chaps, I recently examined the rather impressive source code wrote by Dan Mullally for the control of an ISD 3300 speech record/playback IC, but being a total newcommer to microcontrollers I am rather confused about the 3 Volt to 5 Volt interface requirements. Do both the ISD and the PIC IC's operate from a 3 volt supply in this project or is there some level shifting electronics required in-between ??. - perhaps this is the pull-up's which Dan mentions, or are these pull-up's merely required in order to satisfy the input requirements of the ISD3300 chip ??. Also does understand the operation of the message queueing feature of the ISD3300 ?, my requirements are to record and playback several short messages, (10-15 seconds) without having to determine the start and stop address of each message. I have read most of the datasheets for the device but I am still confused as to whether the INT pin of the ISD3300 must be connected to the PIC for EOM detection, or whether the message cueueing feature can be enabled in order to automatically skip to the next message in the queue. - The ideal requirement for me would be to either pulse one of the PIC's I/O lines once for message 1, twice for message 2 etc. or to send SPI data to the ISD3300 requesting message 1, message 2 etc. The problem is that I do not fully understand the operation and configuration of the message queueing feature, - and what's all this about playback at 800 times the normal speed but with muted audio output ?? If anyone could possibly clarify any the above I would be very greatful. Many Thanks Lee Hewitt (Manchestar ENGLAND)