I don't think it matters whether it is a PIC or some other controller. The Motorola 68HC11 definitely will corrupt it's Eprom in a brownout and there have been several cases of wireless telephones using an unknown type of processor that have started dialing preprogrammed numbers such as 911 or equivalent numbers when their batteries began to fade. We used to have a large RS-232-based data communications network on campus consisting of several nodes, many terminal servers, and muxes. The nodes were built around the Motorola 68000 and each had a battery soldered to the main board that held the node's configuration. One day, we took the power hit from Hell. The mains voltage dropped to about half what it normally should be and stayed there for a sickening two or three minutes. I remember standing in the room containing the serial data net and hearing a sound like a million crickets as switch-mode power supplies tried unsuccessfully to sustain oscillation and their frequencies dropped in to the audible range. When I hit the emergency shut-down button which is supposed to kill all power to the room, absolutely nothing happen. The voltage was too low to operate the relay. GRRR When the power came back up to full value, some of the nodes came up. Others seemed to, but pieces of their configuration were changed. The batteries did an excellent job of holding the mangled configurations so the only fix was to physically go all over campus and manually short out the two reset pins that were available on each board to do a cold reset. I believe it was two weeks before we found all the pranks that the bronout had plaid on us. Basically, one should assume that this might happen regardless of the source of power. I would think it very important to have some secondary method for preventing dangerous conditions such as would happen if heaters, motors, or transmitters came on at the wrong time or refused to shut off. Remember that this is not a programming issue. The system is no longer under the control of the original program, but is totally randomized. Anything can happen. Martin McCormick WB5AGZ Stillwater, OK 36.7N97.4W OSU Center for Computing and Information Services Data Communications Group