Hi to all Engineers. I am new to pic. I am trying to make a tester with two 7 segments LEDS(not multiplexed) that to be able to separate input coming 14 bit signal and display it. First 7 bit to display with first 7 seg. LEDs and other 7 bit to display with second one. this signal is coming from an other unit it has two 16 position (4 bit)encoder switches.the purpose of this tester is to see each switch is in right position or not this can happen after puting a knob on it if knob arrow is wrong will not work right. w register is 8 bit my data is 14 bit. I am stock right there. this is what I think.I could be totaly wrong. find_0 btfsc porta,0 goto find_1 addlw b'0' rrf w btfss status,c goto find_1 movwf portb ; is first 7 segment clfw find_1 btfss porta,0 goto find_0 addlw b'1' rrf w btfss status,c goto find_0 movwf portb clfw thank you very much for any help