On Wed, 20 Aug 1997 20:41:13 EDT, Harold Hallikainen shaped the electrons to say: > Well, this is not really PIC related, but since someone brought >it up... I have seen boxes advertised that will take a modem phone lin >plug and plug it into a telephone handset connector. This is typically >used with digital office phone where who knows what is on the line cord. > What I'd like to see is an acoustic coupler that I could use with >my notebook computer to pick up email at pay phones. Pay phones >generally don't give us access to any direct electrical connection. Any >acoustic couplers still being made? > >Harold Yes. Konexx Makes one. The last time I looked around, they were being sold at (among others): CNF, INC. 15345 Calle Enrique Morgan Hill, CA 95037 800-826-3462 OR 408-778-1160 408-779-6558 FAX KEYWORDS: portable computer accessories-acoustic coupler ----- I found them in Portable Computing magazine. I've seen them elsewhere. BTW -- I never used one, and have _no_ experience with them. Also ,the latest Misco catalog (800-876-4726) has the adapters you mentioned that hook up to the handset cord. One made by TT Systems for $75 and one made by Konexx for $119.95. Chris ====================================================================== Christopher Zguris - czguris@interport.net HSTA, HRCA, AMA In 1803, the British posted a military detachment on the cliffs of Dover to look out for Napoleon. He died in 1821. They stopped funding that guard unit in 1927. ======================================================================