On Tue, 19 Aug 1997 20:02:35 +0100, Tim Kerby shaped the electrons to say: >Hi >I need to connect a modem to a telephone handset in a phonebox to access >email from my psion organiser's modem. Does anyone have any details of a >simulated phone line (incomming ring not needed) that coulb be connected to >a phone handset. I am working on making a battery powered box to do this. >Preferably to use uk compatible signal but US will do as the changeover is >very simple. > > >Any ideas? What kind of phone - a KSU? On Merlin and Comdial systems (probably other analog systems, as well) all you have to do is tap into the voice pair (on Comdial, that's the red & green, on Merlin, it's the first pair if the cable is wired properly). In this arrangement, you pick up a line via the phone to get dial-tone, _then_ dial out on your computer (Psion...). When you're done, you hangup the phone. It's a bit kludgy for redial etc., but it works and can be done at your phone, without having to rewire. I've done it on a Comdial, using a 2400 baud modem and it worked fine. Don't know if there's a speed llimitation. Chris ====================================================================== Christopher Zguris - czguris@interport.net HSTA, HRCA, AMA In 1803, the British posted a military detachment on the cliffs of Dover to look out for Napoleon. He died in 1821. They stopped funding that guard unit in 1927. ======================================================================