> If you are using a PIC with an ADC. use binary weighted resistors eg: > on each contact (12 resistors) for three BCD thumbwheels, and use > three channels of the ADC. Unfortunately, using four switched resistors in parallel will give you resistance values that are clumped rather annoyingly at the low side. A somewhat better arrangement may be to use resistors wired thus [assume the switch terminals are ABCD and K, and the settable resistance should be between nodes X and Y] X to K via 1K resistor X to B via 1K resistor X to A via 2.2K resistor Y to K via 830ohm resistor Y to C via 830ohm resistor Y to D via wire The resistance from X to Y will vary from 686 ohms (A and D shorted to K) to 1.83K (all contact open); the ten thumbwheel positions will all yield resistances that differ by at least 80 ohms, though they will not be in any sort of useful sequence. These resistances should be distinct enough to be easily measurable using a PicBasic-style RC measurement. Three port pins, fifteen resistors, and three caps. If you want to allow software calibration, that'll take another port pin and three more resistors.