I wrote a message concerning "how to read a magnetic card using a swipe card reader and a PIC". Some people on the list came up with the fact that it is "old hat". I know that. The major problem is, that there is some 1500 cards already in use, having name and picture on them, and they are being used for other purposes in the company (time registration, identification etc.) If I make it with a SmartCard or Dallas TouchButton or whatever, I am faced with 2 possibilities. 1.Give people 2 cards (Do you yourself have too few cards?. Would you want more? - not likely) 2.Scrap all old systems and cards , and start up with all new. (The system may be old hat, but it works. The extra memory on a smartcard is unnecessary, as all registration is done in a central database. It would cost a pile of money, and at zero gain. Being a responsible manager, would you do that?) Sometimes engineering has got to deal with the real world, not what is "hype" technology and fun to play with. Aaand -- Sorry if I am "grouchy". The truth is, I don't find it fun to play with, I'd rather work with "hype" technology, and all I want is to have it done as easy as possible. (Not nice, but true). Thanks anyway, guys. Didn't help me any, but I agree with you. Med venlig hilsen / Best regards OMNITEC v.Poul Bundgaard Phone +45 86 65 13 92 Pr¾stev¾nget 4, Fax. +45 86 65 13 92 R¿dding Mob. +45 21 45 54 26 8830 Tjele Danmark. E-mail: p_bundgaard@vip.cybercity.dk