Matt Calder wrote: > I have been trying various serial protocols to get two PICs (16C84) > talking and am wondering what is the 'best' way. Some of the issues > I faced, and I suppose anyone doing this must face are: > > 1) How few pins can I get away with? Matt: Depending on what you're doing, you can get away with ZERO I/O pins. For example: Your Master PIC controls the Slave PIC's MCLR line. The Master normally keeps the Slave's MCLR line high (out of reset). When the Master wants to send a message, it pulls the Slave's MCLR line low, then pulls it high for a short time before pulling it low, then high again. The "message" is the time between MCLR-low pulses. I've glossed over the details, but if you're only sending messages in one direction, and if your Master only needs to send a small number of unique messages to the Slave, and if you don't need the messages to be sent very quickly, this technique can work real well. > 2) How fast can I go? In general, you can trade speed for pins; a one-wire bus, like the one that Dallas uses in their Touch Memories, is pretty slow (and complicated when you want to communicate in both directions). Two-wire asynchronous protocols allow easy communication in both directions, but they're slow and (if you don't have any interrupts) they make it tricky to implement full-duplex communications. Two-wire synchronous methods, like I2C, can be relatively fast, but they don't allow full-duplex bi-directional communications without a complicated token-passing protocol or something. Three-wire systems with a clock generated by a Master and data sent synchronously by each PIC on the other two pins, or a two-wire system in which the two PICs take turns transmitting one bit at a time on one data line, can be very fast, but don't allow the Slave to transmit until the Master gives it a clock. A system with a clock and data line for each PIC is fast and allows easy full-duplex operation, but (of course) requires four pins on each side. What I'm saying, I guess, is that there IS no "best" way; the protocol you choose is highly dependent upon the needs of your application. -Andy === Andrew Warren - === Fast Forward Engineering - Vista, California === === For PICLIST help (including "unsubscribe" instructions), === put the single word "help" in the body of a message and === send it to: