Nope, as one of the few (only?) EEPROM PIC's out there, the 16C84 and 16F84 PIC's need no OTP version. The reason the UV erasable versions of the other PIC's are so much more expensive is the quartz window and ceramic package necessary to allow EPROM erasure. The 16x84 devices can use a plastic package like the OTP devices so there is no need for an OTP version. I find the 16x84 devices to be very reasonably priced, not much over the OTP versions of many low-end PIC's, but I guess if you are talking volumes in the thousands, every penny counts. CIAO - Martin R. Green ---------- From: Ravindra Divekar[SMTP:ravindra@HAL.COM] Sent: Friday, August 15, 1997 6:19 PM To: Subject: 16c84 OTP ? does anybody know if there is a cheaper OTP version of 16c84 ?