At 09:21 PM 8/16/97 -0700, you wrote: >At 11:38 PM 8/16/97 -0400, you wrote: > >>What am I supposed to do if I want to accurately design an amplifier without >>guesswork? > >Parameters vary widely due to operating conditions and manufacturing. An >amplifier should not rely on transistor specs to define its operation. Most >transistor spec sheets reflect this - they will list the limits that the >transistor can withstand, and the design is up to you. > >Manufacturers will also quite often target a series of parts for a specific >use - you should familiarize yourself with them. > >Cheerful regards, > >Bob Thanks for the reply, Bob. I guess you are saying that it is up to the actual user of the components to measure their characteristics. For me, there is only one problem with this, I am at this point only an electronics hobbist. I am studying to become an electrical engineer. I don't have the money to buy the test equipment needed to measure all the characteristics I need to know. I do need to know the H parameters of a transistor for an amplifier because the input/output impedances depend upon this. I don't see how an amplifier can avoid relying on transistor specs. Also, I realize that most parts have a specific target use. However, even if I know that, say, a 2N2222 is a general purpose amp, this just guides me in choosing this component for my application. I still need to know its characteristics. Thanks, Sean