On 17 Aug 97 at 10:49, Robert Lunn wrote: > Andy Kunz wrote: > > > Also, I happen to believe that nuclear armaments are a wonderful lifesaver > > due to the fact that they have prevented major war for the past 50 years. > > How can you say such irrational things? > > You cannot PROVE a NEGATIVE argument. Its a tongue-in-cheek empirical *observation*. If he said it'll stop it for another fifty years... that would be crystal ball gazing. > > If I take an aspirin and my headache goes away, the > observation of relief does not prove a relationship. You > would need to conduct double blind experiments to establish > a statistical probability of a causal link. I would think that including 50% placebos in packs on aspirin would not prove popular with the public. Bayer might like it as a cost cutting solution though Does a double blind experiment in this study lead to a doubly blinding headache? > > It is not a 'fact' that the possession of nuclear arms by > various countries has prevented a major war. It is a fact > that various countries possess nuclear arms. It is a fact > that no major war has occured. You cannot demonstrate a > relationship between these. To extend this argument to its ultimate conclusion, postulate what might happen if *all* countries possessed nuclear armaments, ranging in scale from small, dirty terrorist style bombs to cruise missile/ICBM. How safe would you feel? > > If you wish to hold, as an article of faith, that there is a > relationship, then that is fine. But your original > statement is untenable. > Aaarrrghh! the faith word again. > > But that isn't politically correct on the bottom of the world, so here > > comes another debate... Aaarrrghh! PC is a bug caught from the USA politik. We're sick of it! > > How can you say such irrational things? > > Andy, you are treading on VERY dangerous ground here. You > seem to be confusing Australia and New Zealand. If you Are Kiwis PC Bob? > persist in this misrepresentation you photo WILL be posted > at all ports of entry. Please remember that Ansell is an > Australian company. ;) Ansell, the company that make balloons and, um, 'lifestyle' products, or Ansett, the plane company? They both *might* be relevant, in strangely different ways... > > Of course, due to the fact that Americans are ignorant of > geography and of world affairs your confusion is to be > expected. > That sweeping statement should cop some flak. I'll let the one's it targets take care of that though. MikeS === For PICLIST help (including "unsubscribe" instructions), === send an e-mail containing the single phrase "help piclist" === to: listserv@mitvma.mit.edu