Aydin Yesildirek wrote: > In a conference, the dean of college of engineering at Idaho State > University, the other nuclear dump state, claiming daily dose of > radiation increasing the life expectancy and lowering cancer rate! I don't know to what the Dean was refering (and, as you point out, he was probably not a disinterested observer) but... Human cells have very extensive and effective mechanisms for detecting and repairing the genetic damage caused by ionising radiation. Some researchers believe that these mechanisms are much more extensive than would be expected given the amount of genetic damage that actually occurs naturally. That is, the benefit of these mechanisms to the organism is outweighed by their cost, and so there should be no selective pressure in favour of them. An explanation for this discrepancy (which may not, of course, actually exist as it depends upon somewhat speculative inter- pretation of various data) is that the background radiation flux has, in the past, been at much higher levels than today. ___Bob PS: I have found that engineers have great difficulty understanding biological systems and processes. I would give little credence to anything a 'dean of engineering' said in relation to life expectancy and cancer rates!