Bob Lunn 08/15/97 02:25 PM >> The formula is THREAT = RISK * HARM > > This is the most unscientific rubbish I have ever seen and > bears no relationship to reality... While the application of formulae is not in itself 'scientific' it is certainly 'empirical'. Empiricism is at the heart of engineering. The formula given is an attempt to mirror the _reality_ of how people actually evaluate threats. Walking down the street on a sunny day I evaluate the threat of being struck by lightning as low. Small risk by large harm equals little threat. Walking around a golf course in a thunderstorm I evaluate the threat of being struck by lightning as high. Large risk by large harm equals 'get out from under this tree!'. As an engineer designs products to be used by others they have an obligation to evaluate the threats posed by that product. The product's users are justified in requiring the engineer to evaluate those threats on the same basis as they themselves would. That is, by quantifying the probability of an event and the cost of that event. That the quantification of risk and harm (probability and cost) will often be difficult or imprecise, or be based on rules-of-thumb, or be derived from anecdotal experience, does not exempt us as engineers from doing our sums. > Would you ever quote this formula to the parent of a child killed > in a plane crash... Mike, of course I would! If I'm to be able to look that parent in the eye and know in my heart that I did my job as best I could, then I must be continuously evaluating threats as I design. Note the distinction here! I am not _only_ minimising RISK, I am trying to minimise THREAT. I am doing this because it most properly mirrors what that parent would do in my place (note that I am not saying that our respective quantifications of risk and harm would be the same). To minimise _only_ risk, or _only_ harm, is to fail in our professional duty. To state as a moral imperitive (as you seem to do, Mike) that we should focus on the minimisation of risk is, I believe, to miss the point both morally and practically. ___Bob