In a message dated 97-08-14 17:20:54 EDT, you write: << > I think it is about time to get back to somethng serious on this list. > > > 5*X^2 - 50 * X + 125 = 0 X = 5, 8 > > How many fingers does a Martian have? > > Maybe we could come up with some type of PIC driven spaceship, that would allow us to travel through space at such a high speed that we would, within our own life time, be able to visit all the planets, and find a Martian (or other alien, I suppose) and ask him/her/it? Faster acceleration clearly isn't going to get us there. Even if we got as fast as the speed of light it would take 27 (I believe?) light years to get to the nearest galaxy. So we'd only have time to visit one, or maybe two galaxies in our lives. We need something faster. We need to bend space into the fourth dimension, to decrease the distance between here and there. (Like they talked about in flatland.) If we try hard, I think we can do it. Anyone up for it? -Shane. >> I already did that. I got the warp routine to fit into 1K code space. Didn't have enough I/O though. I had to use Maxims I2C Singularity controller. Worked great only there isn't anything out there to visit. Dave Duley