---------- | From: Shane Nelson | To: PICLIST@MITVMA.MIT.EDU | Subject: Re: Too Much Garbage | Date: donderdag 14 augustus 1997 23:21 | | On Thu, 14 Aug 1997, Bob Fehrenbach wrote: | | > I think it is about time to get back to somethng serious on this list. | > | > | > 5*X^2 - 50 * X + 125 = 0 X = 5, 8 | > | > How many fingers does a Martian have? | > | > | | Maybe we could come up with some type of PIC driven spaceship, | that would allow us to travel through space at such a high | speed that we would, within our own life time, be able to visit | all the planets, and find a Martian (or other alien, I suppose) | and ask him/her/it? | | Faster acceleration clearly isn't going to get us there. Even if we | got as fast as the speed of light it would take 27 (I believe?) light | years to get to the nearest galaxy. So we'd only have time to visit | one, or maybe two galaxies in our lives. We need something faster. We | need to bend space into the fourth dimension, to decrease the distance | between here and there. (Like they talked about in flatland.) | | If we try hard, I think we can do it. Anyone up for it? This sounds like your regular sunday-afternoon-I-haven't-got-anything-better-to-do programming job. Greetings Eric Martens | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +-----------------------------+ | | | Eric Martens | | EMAR Electronics +-+ | emar@knoware.nl | | Fax: +31-(0)492-522418 +-+ | Maxer: +31-(0)660137959 | | | +-----------------------------+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |