Hi Have a look in the current maplin catalogue. They have some neat modules that do just that quickly and cheaply. I think they are in the projects section. Mail me if you need more details. Tim At 16:02 13/08/97 BST, you wrote: >Does anybody know of any PIC code out on the net for decoding the >Standard Time transmissions from MSF Rugby here in the UK and outputing >them to RS232 or any other standard computer interface protocol? > >I know there is an article in a recent Wireless World for a project which >uses a commercial development kit containing a PIC (PIC16C58 IIRC) called >"Basic Stamp". > >I have searched the PICLIST archives & the web but drawn a blank. >Can anybody help? >TIA. >Tom. > > ------------------------------------------------------------------ Personal Web Pages: http://web.ukonline.co.uk/members/tim.kerby/ PIC Site: http://web.ukonline.co.uk/members/tim.kerby/pic/ The PIC Pages are under construction and I am looking for projects ------------------------------------------------------------------