At 08:07 AM 8/14/97 -0500, you wrote: > I would guess that a source that gave off >gamma's at about the same energy level as the UV light would work fine. Eh ? You can't have a gamma anywhere near the energy of UV as far as I know its impossible. The gamma is higher frequency electromagnetic radiation than UV and would likely go straight through the cell with out ionising it - ie dislodging the charge. Remember energy level and frequency are not separable when it comes to electromagnetic radiation - be careful - there is no safe dose of Gamma OR UV for that matter - but you can sit in front of a bar heater for as long as you like ;) >Wonder what kind of shielding the package adds? At Gamma frequencies - NONE - ZERO - ZILTCH. >Probably the best method would to be to etch a hole in the package and use >a light. Why not paste it to the face of a really old Black and White monitor, leave the monitor brightness turned up to maximum (after you've tweaked the EHT up about 20% - BEFORE it ARCS) and leave them there for about 3 days and check what percentage of bits were cleared - ie do a before and after statistical test - OH and don't forget to turn off the deflection coils - so you'd better paste the chips to where the beam center would be. Make sure you are far away from the jigged up monitor - ie put it in the garden shed. If the kittens have two heads or start talking to congress or making phone calls then don't blame me but send me a 20% commission when you sell them to the National Enquirer ;) Rgds Mike Perth, Western Australia